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Seldom Seen Alaska Expedition – July 2023 Trip Journal

Day 6: Majestic Bears and Seals Amidst Nature’s Bounty – A Day of Wildlife Wonders

On the sixth day of our extraordinary journey through Southeast Alaska, our pursuit of the region’s breathtaking wildlife continued, and the Tenakee Inlet welcomed us with a remarkable spectacle that exceeded our expectations.

A Glimpse of the Wild: As we continued our exploration, we encountered a massive rock teeming with life – a sanctuary for at least 30 harbor seals, each one a picture of serenity. Among these seals, we were delighted to spot several young ones, their innocence and playful antics melting our hearts. It was a heartwarming scene, and our guests seized the opportunity to capture these adorable creatures in their natural habitat. The wonders of Southeast Alaska continue to unfold with each passing day, and we are grateful to witness the beauty and diversity of this pristine wilderness. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the untamed majesty of this remarkable region, a true paradise for wildlife enthusiasts and photographers alike.

Harbor Seals Abound: As we continued our exploration, we encountered a massive rock teeming with life – a sanctuary for at least 30 harbor seals, each one a picture of serenity. Among these seals, we were delighted to spot several young ones, their innocence and playful antics melting our hearts. It was a heartwarming scene, and our guests seized the opportunity to capture these adorable creatures in their natural habitat. The wonders of Southeast Alaska continue to unfold with each passing day, and we are grateful to witness the beauty and diversity of this pristine wilderness. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the untamed majesty of this remarkable region, a true paradise for wildlife enthusiasts and photographers alike.




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